Funerals - Planning in Advance

Choosing a spot

The Glades
How will your funeral be paid for? Will there be enough money in your estate to ensure you get the funeral you want? These are just a few of the questions that maybe going through your mind especially as Television and advertising literature is alive with a multitude of companies which warn of the extreme costs of funerals. However, remember that you do not need a Funeral Director or hearse and you can arrange a burial at our woodland for just over £1,000 - and that is all you would have to pay. So, you do not need to worry about expensive funerals - remember that when considering funeral plans.
For some though, Funeral Plans may offer the peace of mind they are looking for and are an easy way to arrange your funeral whilst protecting your loved ones from increasing costs and any uncertainty they might have in fulfilling your final wishes. With flexible payment options - lump sum or regular payments - budgeting is tailored to your own personal circumstances.
These plans are not covered by current financial regulations so we could offer them ourselves, however, as a Woodland Burial Trust, we do not feel comfortable advising on the best solutions and we encourage you to make a number of enquiries before committing to a long term savings plan of this nature.