• St Albans Woodland Burial Trust

    Friends of the

The Trustees all have one thing in common, they share a passion for nature and all that entails, from the wildlife and fauna to the simple things like the soil, water and air... anything and everything to do with our natural environment.

We need you!

Owl Box

Robin Glade

Previous generations have achieved great things but often at the expense of our natural resources. The Trust has been set up to make a difference, to reverse years of neglect, to restore lost woodland and environments, to encourage wildlife and fauna to thrive again - to work in harmony with nature, not against it.

It will be a long journey, difficult at times especially when ignorance, complacency and greed conspire against us, but we will stand side by side with nature, and prevail.

The Trust is growing far quicker than we could ever have wished for thanks in part to its 'not for profit' stance, but primarily because of the dedication and support of our Woodland Friends.

Expansion of the land has introduced its own challenges though, primarily maintenance and ground preparation so we could always do with additional help - physical and/or financial. The bottom line, whatever you can do will help us support the woodland and wildlife, ensuring that those that finally rest their heads here do so in eternal peace.

A big Thank You to all our friends for their continued support, raising awareness of our cause and sharing our passion. It warms our hearts to think that so many feel as we do.

Membership Application

If you have not yet registered as a Friend of the Trust, please do so. Five years membership only costs £30, but if you wish to donate more, then rest assured, each and every penny goes towards towards the Trust. Simply download and print the membership slip then compelte and return it to us with your cheque - full details are on the slip.

Every year we produce a 'Friends Newsletter' that will keep you informed on progress. We also have 'Open Days' that are a great opportunity to see first hand what we have all achieved whilst enjoying a pleasant walk in the woodland.

If you would like to help with the physical labour, then let us know and whenever an event is planned, you'll be amongst the first to know!

A message from the Trust

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