The Woodland Burial Glades of Keysoe
The woodland is divided up into a number of Glades and Rills (the latter taking its name from a narrow stream). Together they form the backbone of our Woodland and allow the Trust to expand at a manageable rate. Each area offers its own unique charm and a wide diversification of natural flora, fauna and wildlife - just click on a Glade or Rill below to learn more about it and to view the associated image library. With 26 glades now, you may find it easier to use the alphabetical filter buttons. On small/mobile devices only the 'All' button will be visible, just click on it for a quick access list.
We have now allocated a colour code to each Glade and Rill. This allows you to determine the status of each. Please refer to the Key below for an explanation of each colour.
The Glades and Rills have come a long way since our first ones were opened in 2007. Already the trees are maturing nicely and it doesn't take much imagination to visualise the Ancient Woodland of tomorrow. All the areas are managed and maintained on a regular basis, including the replacement of some of the existing trees with a variety of different species such as Oak, Willow and Alder as they age or succumb to damage/disease.
Key - Woodland Glade Status Guide 
Blue - The glade is being prepared and opening soon.
Green - There are plenty of plots available for reservation or immediate use.
Amber - The glade is nearing capacity with most plots in use or reserved
Red - All plots are either in use or reserved.