Saturday 9th September 2017

10th Anniversary & Open Day 2017
The St Albans Woodland Burial Trust celebrates its 10th anniversary and would like to invite everyone to its Open Day this September.
It will be an informal affair with a number of the Trustees on hand to welcome guests and in many cases, personally show them around the woodland, answer any questions they may have and even arrange reservations if you see a spot that you like!
There is ample parking and facilities courtesy of the Equestrian Centre, a marquee (courtesy of Keysoe Village Hall - thank you as always!) in which tea, coffee and other refreshements will be served together with our 10th Anniversary Cup Cakes.
One of the local Funeral Directors will be on hand too to help explain the services and support they offer - including eco-coffins, funeral plans and so much more!
We would also welcome your help in naming the next 8 glades that will be coming online in the spring. They are already quite advanced as you will see - thanks to the amazing work of our groundsman, Will Saunders - but they will need a little more time to settle in. We have shortlisted the names of 20 birds (inline with the current naming philosophy) on a sheet of A4 and need people to circle their eight favourite ones. Alternatively, you can complete the survey online which you will find here: Woodland Glade Naming Survey
If you need directions, just follow this link:- Woodland Directions, and simply insert your post code in the box and the website will do the rest for you!
We look forward to seeing you on the day.